CBD is a powerful, natural supplement clinically proven to have a variety of useful benefits – such as the reduction of pain and inflammation, anxiety, and more.

Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions floating around about CBD – partially thanks to the fact that it’s extracted from cannabis sativa, from which marijuana is also derived.

Woman jumps through the gap between Myth to Fact on sunset.

So, in this article, we’re going to take on some of the most common myths and misconceptions about CBD, CBD oil, and other CBD products. Read on, and bust these common myths about CBD once and for all!

1. CBD Is A Sedative, And Makes You Feel Tired

This is not true, except if you take a very high dose of CBD. High doses of CBD are known to promote sleep, due to biphasic effects – which can actually be a good thing, if you need help with sleep disorders.

But in low-to-moderate doses, CBD does not have any sedative properties.  In fact, some folks feel more energized after taking a dose of CBD products, and this property of CBD has been backed up by clinical trials.

So, as long as you take the proper, moderate dosage of CBD, you don’t need to worry about feeling excessively drowsy or sleepy.

2. CBD Is Non-Psychoactive

This is true to a certain extent – but only when comparing CBD to marijuana, and other high-THC cannabis products.  THC is the compound that is responsible for making you feel “high” if you use marijuana – and CBD contains extremely low levels of this compound.

So, in comparison to THC-based products, CBD is non-psychoactive.  It will not alter your perceptions significantly, or make you feel high.  But that doesn’t mean that CBD doesn’t interface with your brain chemistry – it does!  That’s part of the reason that it’s effective.

Clinical trials have shown that in patients with anxiety, for example, CBD can help relieve feelings of negativity – and also promote healthier sleep.  This definitely means that CBD is interacting with the brain and other systems in the body, so it’s a misconception that CBD is not psychoactive.

However, if your concern is that CBD will make you feel “high,” or out of control of your environment, don’t worry.  CBD is nothing like cannabis, and does not have the same interactions with your brain chemistry.

3. CBD Products Are Illegal

It’s true that CBD exists in a sort of legal “gray area” since the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. It’s derived from cannabis sativa, the hemp version plant with some very important distinctions.  The same plant, when used to grow high-THC marijuana, is a federally-illegal, Schedule I controlled substance – although it has been legalized on a state-by-state basis, and for medical and/or recreational purposes in some areas.

The Brookings Institution sees the Farm Bill passing like this; “…hemp is defined in the legislation as the cannabis plant (yes, the same one that produces marijuana) with one key difference: hemp cannot contain more than 0.3 percent of THC (the compound in the plant most commonly associated with getting a person high).  In short, hemp can’t get you high.  For decades, federal law did not differentiate hemp from other cannabis plants, all of which were effectively made illegal in 1937 under the Marihuana Tax Act and formally made illegal in 1970 under the Controlled Substances Act—the latter banned cannabis of any kind.  The 2018 Farm Bill is more expansive.  It allows hemp cultivation broadly, not simply pilot programs for studying market interest in hemp-derived products.  It explicitly allows the transfer of hemp-derived products across state lines for commercial or other purposes.  It also puts no restrictions on the sale, transport, or possession of hemp-derived products, so long as those items are produced in a manner consistent with the law.”  Read the entire article here:  Brookings Institution on Farm Bill.

So, the type of cannabis sativa plant used to grow hemp – from which CBD is derived – contains less than 0.3% THC.  It’s important to note that THC – not necessarily cannabis sativa – is illegal.

In other words, the level of THC in CBD is so low that it does not qualify as a controlled substance.  In fact, almost all remaining THC is removed during the processing of hemp into CBD – ensuring that it is not a controlled substance.  This means that CBD is legal in all 50 states and Hemp-derived CBD products are legal throughout the entire nation.

CBD derived from marijuana is created from an illegal substance – and could have higher levels of THC – which means that it does not enjoy the same legal status of hemp-derived CBD.  In some states where marijuana is legal, like Colorado and Massachusetts, marijuana-derived CBD is legal – but this will vary on a state-by-state basis, whereas hemp-derived CBD is legal in all 50 states.

4. CBD Is A “Miracle Drug,” And Can Replace Traditional Medicine

CBD has a number of powerful effects that are being studied by medical professionals, and we’ve mentioned a few of them above.  However, it’s not some miracle “cure-all” elixir.

While CBD can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions and symptoms, it is not a replacement for traditional medicine.  In fact, you will find that CBD works the best when you combine it with proper medical care from a trained doctor.

Using CBD alone to treat a serious illness is never a good idea. Consult with a medical professional to get appropriate treatment.

5. CBD Won’t Show Up In Drug Tests

This is a myth – but there is a grain of truth to it. Commercial drug tests which identify marijuana use work by identifying THC, and measuring levels of THC in the blood, urine, or even hair, to prove the use of marijuana.

These tests don’t check for cannabidiol and other related non-THC compounds.  So, why do we say that this is a myth?

Because if you use a CBD product that contains even a minimal amount of THC, it’s entirely possible that THC may show up in a urine sample or hair sample when you’re being tested for drug usage, depending on how sensitive the test is.  This level of THC will be an order of magnitude lower than it would be if you were using marijuana – but it still could be present.

Boost Your CBD Knowledge and Separate Fact From Fiction!

We hope this article has been fun, informative, and educational.  While CBD is a very useful supplement, there are quite a few misconceptions about it out there – so make sure you stay informed, and that you can separate fact from fiction when it comes to CBD!

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