CBD Basics

What are the benefits of CBD?

Common issues that most people seek relief for are pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders. With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD was put under the authority of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for oversight. Since its legal status is relatively new there is not enough research for the FDA to allow for [...]

What are the benefits of CBD?2020-06-30T01:28:35-07:00

Are CBD products safe? Can I overdose?

There have been no reported overdoses on CBD, nor can you die from taking too much CBD. The most common complaint is that people may notice mild dysphoria or feelings of sedation at high mg doses (over 500 mgs per day).

Are CBD products safe? Can I overdose?2020-06-15T07:10:46-07:00

Is CBD FDA approved?

According to the FDA and as described on their website at FDA.gov, “There is a significant interest in the development of therapies and other consumer products derived from cannabis and its components, including cannabidiol (CBD).  The FDA recognizes the potential opportunities cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds may offer and acknowledges the significant interest in these possibilities.” [...]

Is CBD FDA approved?2020-06-30T16:56:56-07:00
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