What are the benefits of CBD?

Common issues that most people seek relief for are pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders. With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD was put under the authority of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for oversight. Since its legal status is relatively new there is not enough research for the FDA to allow for [...]

What are the benefits of CBD?2020-06-30T01:28:35-07:00

Are CBD products safe? Can I overdose?

There have been no reported overdoses on CBD, nor can you die from taking too much CBD. The most common complaint is that people may notice mild dysphoria or feelings of sedation at high mg doses (over 500 mgs per day).

Are CBD products safe? Can I overdose?2020-06-15T07:10:46-07:00

Is CBD FDA approved?

According to the FDA and as described on their website at FDA.gov, “There is a significant interest in the development of therapies and other consumer products derived from cannabis and its components, including cannabidiol (CBD).  The FDA recognizes the potential opportunities cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds may offer and acknowledges the significant interest in these possibilities.” [...]

Is CBD FDA approved?2020-06-30T16:56:56-07:00

Why use CBD products?

CBD is not psychoactive.  This means that it does not change the state of mind of the person who uses it.  However, it does appear to produce significant changes in the body and has been found to have significant benefits. The World Health Organization has recognized CBD as safe, non-toxic and with very few side [...]

Why use CBD products?2020-06-10T12:03:23-07:00

What is CBD Tincture?

A tincture is a liquid extract made by soaking one substance in another substance.  We know that’s a pretty general definition, so allow us to clarify by first focusing on the second substance.  The most common liquid used to make tinctures is alcohol.

What is CBD Tincture?2020-06-10T12:04:30-07:00

How do you use CBD Tincture?

Tinctures of any kind are the easiest and most discreet form of CBD you can take.  That’s because CBD tincture is administered a few drops at a time under your tongue. Be sure to hold the liquid in your mouth, and don’t swallow.  Nothing bad will happen if you do swallow; it will just take [...]

How do you use CBD Tincture?2020-06-10T12:06:10-07:00

Does CBD tincture have any side effects?

CBD tincture is not known to produce adverse side effects.  Some individuals may experience dry mouth. But if you are taking a CBD tincture to feel better, a little dry mouth is a small price to pay to feel better. CBD may produce one other “side effect” of note: CAUTION! CBD can potentially interfere with your [...]

Does CBD tincture have any side effects?2020-08-02T18:17:27-07:00

What are CBD Topicals?

CBD topicals are a great way to enjoy the benefits of CBD without consuming the product.  They are useful for a variety of people because they offer localized relief when applied to the skin.

What are CBD Topicals?2020-06-30T01:42:09-07:00

What are CBD Topicals used for?

The body’s largest organ, the skin responds quickly and efficiently to CBD oil and CBD topical applications.  The cellular receptors of the outer layer of the skin receive the benefits of CBD. What other benefits do topicals offer? Additionally, CBD combined with other ingredients delivers relief to external skin conditions such as acne and eczema.  [...]

What are CBD Topicals used for?2020-06-30T17:11:45-07:00
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